Focus on Freshmen - Los Angeles
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Get Focused...Stay Focused!® Initiative
A Grade 8-14 Effort Ensuring Students are College and Career Ready

Conference Attendees
Session Descriptions
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Conference Attendees
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For High School Principals & Dual Enrollment Administrators

This institute will delve specifically into how to implement GFSF over all four years of high school for EVERY student. We will be using the GFSF 10-step Quick Start Guide and attendees will have the opportunity to develop an implementation plan in detail. Learn how college credit is being awarded for the 9th grade semester-long “Get Focused” course.

In order to prepare the large number of postsecondary‐educated youth our economy demands, high schools and colleges must break through the boundaries that have traditionally separated them, so the institute will also give strategies for developing effective high school/community college partnerships and relationships. You will learn how these institutions are coming together using the Get Focused…Stay Focused!® model to assume joint responsibility for student success.

You'll come away with: Who should attend:

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Fees and Funding Opportunities

Earn CEU Credit While Attending This Institute